Everything you need to know to install and maintain safe, compliant glazing

A round-up of your obligations, including the little-known Regulation that requires attention for all business premises in 2024

If your glazing appears to be in reasonable condition, it could be tempting to let it go unnoticed. But there are certain obligations, which, should they be missed, could leave your business open to non-compliance and your visitors at risk. 

This new quick guide from NSS explains everything you need to know about your commercial building’s glazing.

Get your copy now to understand:

  • The structural requirements of your glazing
  • Your legislative and insurance obligations in 2024
  • The details of Regulation 14 of the Workplace (health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992 – and why it requires attention right now
  • The broader risks associated with glazing problems that could affect your building, your business, and your people.

Glazing Quick Guide

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Director for a Coventry-based shopping centre

Could your glazing be out of date?

Is your building over 20 years old? If so, your glazing could be out of date. 

Get your copy of the NSS Quick Guide to Glazing now, to check your obligations.