Autumn Property Preparations – Glazings

The temperature is dropping, the days are getting shorter and reality is setting in that Autumn is on its way.

Since High Access and Nationwide Window Cleaning combined forces to create NSS Group, our clients can now benefit from a broader service offering.

Over the next five weeks we’ll be talking you through the measures facilities managers should be taking to get their house in order ahead of the colder months.

From high to low, watch this space for our advice on preparing your building’s glazings, roofs, paved surfaces, electrics and gutters for the inevitable winter onslaught.

Week one – Glazings

With an average lifespan of 30-40 years, windows and window frames are often overlooked – especially at high level – but it’s crucial they don’t get neglected.

Poor weather can have a big impact on glazings which, if not dealt with quickly and properly, can cause costly problems. Leaking window frames and cracks in glazings are quickly worsened by poor weather. Aside from the expense incurred in repairing any issues, the impact of their neglect can reverberate throughout the building.

Glazings are the first line of defence and damage can have a significant impact on energy conservation – not to mention internal damage should water ingress occur. We advise completing a window inspection before harsher weather arrives, giving you the chance to remedy any weak spots.

Of course, no matter how well you prepare, the weather can sometimes win. We were reminded of this last year when Storm Ophelia blew out a shop front on Wrexham High Street. Luckily we were on standby to repair the damage safely and quickly.

Our emergency service operates 24/7/365 so should the worst happen, give us a call – you can count on a fast, safe and reliable job.

And don’t forget about our specialist cleaning to keep your windows spotless throughout the wetter months!

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