Are your gutters as right as rain?

They may not be glamourous, but gutters are a fundamental component to a building’s defences against the elements. With April showers almost upon us, now is the time to make sure yours are prepared for the season ahead.

Let’s start with two words guaranteed to send a shiver down any facilities manager’s spine, ‘cracks’ and ‘blockages’. The two most common issues to plague gutters, both threaten costly issues if not dealt with properly and immediately.

This risk of cracks occurring rises significantly during colder months, with freezing temperatures contributing additional pressure to the systems. And with the Beast from the East bringing the coldest spring day on record, your building’s gutters will have already had a lot to deal with this year.

Blockages can be equally concerning – when water is left to stand, it can cause all kinds of problems, including disruptive water ingress, water-pooling and corrosion, to name a few.

A regular clean and assessment of gutters can prevent leaks and damp patches developing. We recommend conducting this assessment twice a year during the changing seasons to catch any issues before they cause you any real headaches.

Specialising in both industrial and commercial properties, we have a proven track record delivering a range of cost-effective services. As part of our commitment to working with the latest technology on the market, we carefully choose the best equipment to give you long-term protection from leaking or deteriorating gutters.

Simply put, we are brilliantly equipped for any and every job.

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